VHDL implementation of the RRISC CPU

A small CPU with a radically reduced instruction set. Hand-crafted. Implemented in VHDL, for use in an FPGA.

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We have an ALU

We now have a port-mappable ALU. That means, the ALU is not connected directly to the CPU registers, but needs to be accessed via port I/O commands. This is indicated in the illustration below:


The ALU has the following 4 registers

These registers need to be accessed via 4 port addresses. In my implementation I am using the ports $fffc - $ffff.

On top of the registers, the ALU also provides 3 flags to the CPU:

The ALU is capable of executing the following 14 instructions:

Some of these instructions take 2 parameters, some only one.

Here is an excerpt of alu.inc which defines constants and convenience macros for working with the ALU:

; -------------------
; -- ALU constants --
; -- for RRISC ALU --
; -------------------

const ALU_ADD  =  0    ; addition with carry, sets carry (gt)
const ALU_SUB  =  1    ; subtraction with carry, sets carry(gt)
const ALU_SHL  =  2    ; shift left into carry, sets carry(gt)
const ALU_SHR  =  3    ; shift right into carry, sets carry(gt)
const ALU_ROL  =  4    ; rotate left
const ALU_ROR  =  5    ; rotate right
const ALU_OR   =  6    ; binary or
const ALU_AND  =  7    ; binary and
const ALU_NAND =  8    ; binary not and
const ALU_XOR  =  9    ; binary exclusive or
const ALU_XNOR = 10    ; binary exclusive not or
const ALU_CMP  = 11    ; compare, sets carry (gt), sm, eq flags
const ALU_INC  = 12    ; increments A by 1, sets equal (zero) flag on zero
const ALU_DEC  = 13    ; decrements A by 1, sets equal (zero) flag on zero

; --
; -- port I/O mapping of ALU registers
; --
const ALU_PORT_A      = $fffc
const ALU_PORT_B      = $fffd
const ALU_PORT_INSTR  = $fffe
const ALU_PORT_RESULT = $ffff

; --
; -- ALU convenience macros
; --
ldg # $1
ldg # ALU_ADD

So the following assembly snippet would add a value to register G, without having to deal with ALU port operations:

include alu.inc   ; -- read the ALU macro definitions

org 0
ldg # $10         ; G = 10
macro ADD_G $20   ; instructs the ALU to add $20 to register G
                  ;   and to return the result in register G

; ...

^ toc

< It runs the whole test program

> Playing with the ALU